Use High-Impact Ads to Increase Awareness, Consideration, and Action

Use High-Impact Ads to Increase Awareness, Consideration, and Action

Advertising is a ubiquitous part of any marketing campaign. In fact, it is so common that it can easily fade into the background. Online and off, consumers are used to being bombarded with ads, and they’re skilled at tuning them out. 

So, does that mean that you should overlook advertising as part of your marketing strategy? Of course not! Instead, the answer is in the kind of advertising that you do. High-impact ads resonate with consumers because they are highly visible and relevant to their needs. Consumers pay attention to high-impact ads, and they remember this kind of advertising when they make those all-important purchasing decisions.

Types of High Impact Ads 

Salem Surround offers multiple opportunities for you to tap into our expansive network of Salem Media Group users with advertising that hits home at every stage of your marketing funnel, including:

  • Homepage Takeover Ads: Large ads that open automatically when users navigate to our station homepages, prominently displaying your brand and messaging. 
  • Sticky Footer Ads: Ads that run on the bottom of our web pages and follow users throughout the site, appearing on every page on which they click. 
  • Mobile App Splash Ads: Exclusive sponsorship ads featured on our popular mobile applications. 
  • Station Streaming Sponsorship Ads: Ads featured on our enormously popular streaming player. 

These high-impact ad opportunities provide:

  • High visibility with top-of-mind exposure.
  • Identity building for your brand, linking your company with our brand in the eyes of our sizeable audience.
  • Trackable impressions and click-throughs. 

It is important to use high-impact ads at every stage of the marketing funnel because they feed into each other. You can use high-impact ads to craft messaging that addresses each stage and takes customers from just learning about your brand to making a purchase. 


At this stage of your marketing, you’re trying to increase the recognition of your brand in the minds of consumers. Being present and visible in all the places that your target markets are online is key at this point, but because customers are just learning about you, your ads have to make an impact. 

High-impact ads mean that customers won’t forget encountering you when they open their favorite mobile app or visit their favorite website. High-impact exposure means you’re visible, and consistency across platforms means you’ll make an impression.


How do you move customers from knowing about your brand to understanding the advantages of choosing you over your competitors? The solution is combining high-impact ads with the messaging that they need to hear at this stage. 

What are the things that make your brand stand out? Why should customers do business with you? Answer those questions for consumers with highly visible advertising that they encounter in multiple places online. They’ll get the message and remember it when it is time to buy. 


You can also leverage the power of high-impact ads when it’s time to close the deal. The idea at the stage of the funnel is the same: Use your visibility to deliver information that is relevant to customers who are ready to buy. 

That means using high-impact ads to announce limited-time promotions, special sale pricing, and other incentives that make right now the right time to buy. Your high-impact ads could be the final push a customer needs to make a purchase. 

Increase the Impact of Your Ads Now

Contact Salem Surround to today, and let’s discuss how your business can benefit from our high-impact ad services. Be sure to ask how Salem Surround can increase the impact of your advertising through targeted services. Using behavioral targeting and impact targeting, we can get your customized messaging to the right consumers at the right moment. 

Smiling people participate in a standup meeting in an open office
A woman makes a purchase on her laptop

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